shunsche - スケジュール空き時間管理の決定版

4.7 ( 2237 ratings )
Biznes Produktywność

shunsche accesses your Google Calendar to instantaneously search for free periods in your schedule.
*You must be logged in to your Google account to use shunsche.

Includes functionality to copy and paste schedule content to e-mails,
Perform conditional searches to simultaneously obtain information on free periods in multiple people’s schedules,
And settings to exclude travel time before and after a free time period
To rid the user of the burdens of schedule management.

shunsche is recommended to the following types of people

・Company salespeople under pressure from daily schedule management
・People in charge of managing multiple shifts
・People with many external meetings that often need to communicate their own schedule (within their company)

shunsche’s main features

■Quick search
*Look up free periods for the current week and the following week with a single touch

■Conditional searches
*Specify the time and period of search targets
*Set free periods before and after an event to exclude periods of time before and after scheduled arrangements for travel and preparation time, etc.
*Set holidays to exclude certain days of the week and specific dates, etc.
*Add the calendars of multiple people to search conditions

■Search result customization
*The content of search results can be customized according to the actual arrangements made, such as by hiding and changing search results, etc.

■Search results sharing functionality
*Free period search results can be pasted into the main body of an e-mail with a single tap and sent out as is
*Copy the free period search results and paste them as is into other apps

■Search history functionality
*The content of previous searches is stored under “History” to be retrieved again, making it possible to quickly carry out previous searches and share these results with others.

■Frequently used settings are set as the default settings to remove the need to specify settings each time
*Time/period settings for search targets
*Setting to exclude days of the week/specific dates from searches
*Setting to exclude periods of time before and after scheduled arrangements for travel and preparation, etc.
*Adding the calendars of multiple people to search conditions
*Sharing search results via e-mail

Points of note/development status

(*) Using shunsche requires a connection to a Wi-Fi environment or a 3G (or LTE) network, a registered Google account (free) and the use of Google Calendar.
(*) Integration with other services besides Google Calendar